Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
Tag people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

1) pemalas
2) kuat bebel.. tak caye tanye org tue.. hahaha..
3) my attitude change while driving.. cpt naik hangin, pemarah n byk lg yg negatif..
4) can't live w/o pc,internet n hs.. kacip aa org ganu kata..
5) tersgt laa kecoh bile kt umah tp sgt snyp kt tpt keje..
6) seorg yg boring dan memboringkn..
7) suka berkurung kt dlm bilik kecik aku nie (mak aku kata studio) n hanya kuar bile bau mknn aje..

to SOPI..aku jwb pendek2 je nie sbb keyboard aku tak kuar huruf g, h ngn spacebar.. sgt laa menyusahkan menggunakan on-screen keyboard (osk).. nway, sgt laa hepi sbb dpt menaip spjg nie..

to ANGAH, u've been tagged!!!

0 org telah mengomen..:

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